
hyperhidrosis botox

FAQs Regarding Botox for Hyperhidrosis

By Dr. Cremata, DC | October 11, 2017 |

Botox is an FDA-approved treatment for excessive sweating of the underarms And while excessive sweating is hardly a life-threatening condition, it causes discomfort and affects people’s confidence in public. For some people, prescription-strength anti-antiperspirant just won’t cut it- the search goes on for a more effective, longer lasting treatment. Botox may seem like a drastic…

excessive sweating

A Solution for Severe Sweating

By Dr. Cremata, DC | October 6, 2017 |

Hyperhidrosis is the scientific term for excessive sweating Excessive sweating is thought to affect between 2-3% of the population but, for those unfortunate few, the effects are no joke: excessive sweating is uncomfortable and can drive you to distraction. Excessive sweating of the underarms, known as axillary hyperhidrosis, creates unsightly stains on clothes; likewise, excessive…

postural strength

Become a Better Sitter: Why Postural Strength Matters

By Dr. Cremata, DC | October 3, 2017 |

Postural strength helps you live a better life Whether you are on your feet all day, or sitting through a shift at the office, your postural muscles are always at work; after all, they are trying to keep you upright. Despite their best intentions, we often give in to our desire to let our muscles…

circulation and sleep

Empower your Brain to Influence Sleep

By Dr. Cremata, DC | September 18, 2017 |

How your brain controls sleep Your brain conducts the transition between the stable states of wakefulness and rest. As you proceed through a day full of activity, your body and brain naturally progress toward the need for sleep; this is an essential need that affords your body the time it needs to rest and recharge.…

low back pain

Mechanical Low Back Pain

By Dr. Cremata, DC | September 15, 2017 |

Mechanical pain is movement-related pain Injuries that relate to the articulation and movement of the spinal motion segments, including the vertebrae, discs, joints, ligaments and muscles are among the most common, and most painful types of injuries in human existence. Almost every motion of the upper body involves the spine in some capacity, and the…

posture and lumbar pressure

Is Your Posture Putting Your Spine Under Pressure?

By Dr. Cremata, DC | September 12, 2017 |

The way you position your spine matters Whether you like it or not, and whether you are conscious of it or not, each position you adopt throughout the day is likely putting your spine under pressure. With awareness, the amount of pressure can be limited; likewise, with no awareness, this pressure can accumulate and cause…

tailbone pain

How to Deal with a Pain in the Tailbone

By Dr. Cremata, DC | September 10, 2017 |

A pain in the tailbone is perfectly placed to upset your lifestyle The coccyx is the bony structure at the base of the spine, known colloquially as the tailbone. Any pain here can be a real life-changer: from defecation to sexual function; and from physical activity to simply standing or sitting, the coccyx is perfectly…


When it Comes to Cellulite, We Say Good Riddance!

By Dr. Cremata, DC | September 2, 2017 |

Does cellulite affect your well-being? Cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of skin on the legs, buttocks and thighs that affects, by some estimates, over 90% of women at some point in their lifetime. Step one for anyone frustrated by the appearance of cellulite is to take a deep breath and realize that you are…

range of motion

Restoring the Bodily Mobility You Expect Without Surgery

By Dr. Cremata, DC | August 31, 2017 |

Range of motion versus flexibility  Range of motion and flexibility are two terms that are too often conflated. In reality, flexibility is indicative of good range of motion in a given joint. Without getting too pedantic, the general formula is that when flexibility is reduced, range of motion becomes limited. A good example of this is the…

conservative care

Conservative Care First for Back Pain

By Dr. Cremata, DC | August 27, 2017 |

What is your first line of treatment for back pain?  When it comes to injury, whether it be acute or chronic, and the pain that comes with it, there are many options available to you for treatment. It is unfortunate that the norm in our society is for back pain sufferers to choose, or be…